.Assistance in Austria
Announcer: That Bernadette Feuerstein gets as much assistance as she needs, is a special arrangement. Thus she formulated her biggest wish as?
Bernadette Feuerstein: ? continuing to get the assistance I need in future. At the moment my life is well organized and my assistance situation is satisfactory. However, there is a deadline for this at the end of October, because I have special funds for the assistance during Lea?s first two years. This will end now and I am investigating, how it will go on in autumn, how I can organize and finance my assistance. Naturally this is a big issue, since this is an essential question for me.
Moderation: As shown in the last example, independent living of many people with disabilities is also uncertain in future. There is some progress time and again, like the law on enabling assistance at work, but the cuts budgets on the other hand threaten any progress towards more independent living.
The direction of the development of Austrian politics is by no means certain.
We are now at the end of this programme. Today?s programme was done with the participation of Katharina Zabransky and Gerhard Wagner, who also did the reading ? as well as Irmgard Kampas.
Thanks to Gerhard Wald from ORF for the technical support. On the microphone, Bernhard Hruska says good-bye.