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Rubrik: Lesen statt Hören
04. Juli 2004

Assistance in Austria

von Bernhard Hruska

Peter does not live in a relationship. Until recently he shared the flat with his mother, who died at the end of last year. He has many friends and contacts. Sometimes he doesn?t come home for days. There are diverse duties and tasks.

Peter Singer: I really have such a wonderful fulfilled life with duties that I love to have a week, where I don?t have to go away and I can get on top of my things.

Announcer: Peter Singer has an entirely normal life with friends and family, as he says himself, he sees his sister, the nephews and nieces quite often.

Peter Singer: I want to emphasize that I am neither rejected by my family, nor that they think they have to visit me because of my disability.
This, for example, is my idea of integration.

Announcer: Peter never had an earned income. He gets a small orphan?s pension with a compensation allowance/Ausgleichszulage and allowance for nursing care. He is not rich, but feels fine at that.
Every month he must pay approximately 300 Euros for 55 home nursing hours ? he has 13,75 hours per week.

Peter has been working as a tutor at the university of Vienna for 10 years. As a person with an orphan?s pension he is not allowed to earn any additional money. Thus he disclaims his wage as a tutor.

Peter?s relationship to the other students during his studies was excellent. They were willing to take notes for him. He was pushed from one auditory to the next, on joint visits to the cafeteria he was fed.

Today he also has a good relationship with his colleagues ? also with his professor, his tutor colleague and with his students. They visit him at home to get his advice.

Peter spends his spare time now, without much variation, frequently and willingly at home. Thus he can recover well from the physical efforts. But there are always occasions, invitations and visits.
Peter regards his disability as a challenge, for instance also through new computers and machines. He reasons:

Peter Singer: I don?t work, according to social law I am still my dead father?s child.

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