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Rubrik: Lesen statt Hören
26. Juni 2005

Magazine Program: Move Barriers

von Gerhard Wagner

Translation: For the accused its not a question of money or being confronted, but we want these requirements to be met, so that public building will be generally have barrier free.access. So then everyone has the same rights to take part in society just like the majority of citizens the restrictions for those disabled are compensated for.

Barrier freedom should not be just outward, but should also be developed in the heads of the people. Let?s take the institution of school as an example: Students in wheelchairs are required to go to a school for special education, although the possibility for integration is supported available.

O-TONE 5: Magyarországon jogszabályban van az integrált oktatás. de amig egy oktatási intézmény nem akadálymentes, ott nem beszélhetünk integrációról. Vannak nagyon szép példák: egy 5.ikes gyerek betegség folytán kerekesszékbe kerül. Az iskola és a tanulótársai nem engedik, h másik iskolába kerüljön, az iskola kialakitat egy rámpát a földszinten. Arra már nincs pénz,h az emeletre liftet tegyenek be, h fel tudjon menni, mivel a szaktárgyak oktatása ott folyik. Az iskola flexibilisen megoldotta a problémát, lehet?ség szerint az osztály a földszinten tanul. nem engedték el, végig együtt tanultak, játszottak együtt stb. TR. 8 0:32-1:47 ca. 75 sec.

Translation: The hungarian right already provides for schools, but so long as the institute of education is not barrier free itself, one can hardly talk about intergration. There is however a positive example. A boy was sick and must now use a wheelchair. However the school and also his classmates did not want to separate themselves from him? and the school has a ramp installed for the ground floor. There was not enough money for an elevator, then the subject were taught in the upper floor. Without an elevator the student couldn?t get to the classes in a rollchair. The school solved this problem by moving the classes to the ground floor. The classmates would not be separated from their friend and together finished high school this way.

Speaker: The European Union already has many countries who already have rights for the handicapped. Also in Hungary there have been many advances. But there still remains much to do, including the conscious of the people. A beginning is already made.


Moderation: The next part is about the accessiablity at the Univeristy of Vienna. Here the students with handicaps have problems no only with access to building and rooms, but also with barrier free Internet pages: Because many lectures are now offered in the internet, have Corinna Zeiser and Edgar Kadlec looked into this question of whether handicapped students have been considered.
We hear first how a barrier free text for blind student sounds.

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